Github rfc2822 / XorgTablet

XorgTablet es una aplicación para dispositivos Android que envía los movimientos y eventos de control a través de UDP (Puerto 40117) a un ordenador con sistema operativo Linux conectado en red.

Según sus especificaciones es especialmente útil en combinación con el controlador xf86-networktablet (
Se puede usar una tableta o smartphone Android para controlar un programa de ordenador , por ejemplo GIMP usando el tablet Android como una tableta gráfica (si el hardware lo soporta).

+XorgTablet is an Android app that sends motion and touch events
+via UDP to a specified host on port 40117.
+It is especially useful in combination with the xf86-networktablet input driver (
+that allows these touch events to be processed by the X server. So,
+you can use your Android tablet or smartphone to control the X
+server and, for instance *use GIMP with your Android tablet
+as a graphics tablet* (even pressure-sensitive, if your hardware
+supports it).

+Any device with Android 4.0+ and touch screen

+You can find the latest binary on SourceForge:

+* Pressure sensitive
+* Size of canvas will be detected and sent to the client
+* Option for ignoring events that are not triggered by a stylus pen:
+ so you can lay your hand on the tablet and draw with the pen.

+Technical details
+The used protocol: